News Destiny of Nation ( News DON) is a live streaming YouTube news channel broadcast to the world by “The Destiny of Nation Media Network” . It’s the multilingual (English, Hindi and Urdu online news channel to be headquartered in the Lucknow Instead of being run centrally, news and program management rotates between broadcasting centres in Gomti Nagar and Aliganj.

Country : India
State : Uttar Pradesh
Broadcast Area : World Wide
Network : The Destiny of Nation Media Network
Slogan : असतो मा सद्गमयम
( Lead us from unreal to real )

Registerd Office : 43,44 Aadil Nagar, Ring Road, Vikas Nagar SPO, PS : Gudamba
Lucknow 226022

Office Cum Studio : 403 Silver Heights
1 /6 Vijay Khand, Gomti Nagar Lucknow 226010
Phone Number : +9 15 22 4060169
Mobile Numbers : +19 8090000313
+19 8188000313, +91 9455059391

English, Hindi and Urdu

The Destiny Of Nation Media Network.

*Web Master
Saurabh Pandey

Awadhesh Pratap Singh

Dr. Mohd Meraj Ahmad

*Web Editor
Shruti Shukla


Launched : August 2016

* Links
Website :

The channel was launched on August 2016, at 12:00 PM GMT. It had aimed to begin broadcasting in June 2006 but had to postpone its launch because its technology was not yet ready. “The channel was due to be called News Destiny of Nation , but the name was changed nine months before the launch because one of the channel’s backers argued that the abbreviation for destiny of nation is DON” . DON refers to Initiator & leader and this name already would be an international scope.

The channel was anticipated to reach each and every households of the country but it far away that our launch target, but marching towards the target. By 2023, the service could be viewed in every major Indian market and will be available to million homes in over 20 states /union territories via internet.


In addition to those listed below, News DON runs various programmes that are either entirely non-recurrent or consist of just a limited number of Special Series. All self-owned programmes, including former shows are shown in the website and YouTube. Licensed documentaries are available only on the website for a limited period of time, however. Currently running programmes on the channel are.

The Rebellion – The monthly documentary strand for a personality of rebellion approached around us and for people of Indian origins elsewhere.

Counting the Cost – The weekly look at business and finance.

क़लम किताब और कहानियाँ – A monthly programme exploring writers, poets and their creations . A discussion with host Abraham Mierage and his guests.

अंततः – The documentary series focused on the ignored and the unreported threat of life / health / education and vanished ultimately.

The Real DON – A tough questioning interview programme presented by Abraham Mierage . Mostly filmed at political leaders.

Debate at DON – The daily investigation and analysis of a topical issue, with the aid of three guests from within and outside of the country in question. Abraham Mierage is regular host, but most of the DON news-presenters have also taken the chair.

Global news live from Gomti Nagar broadcast centre.

Nation News – 10 minutes of National news and sports news hosted from Gomti Nagar broadcast centre.

T20 news: consist of 20 speed news of 5 minutes in every hour.

DON ka Danda – A weekly programme, originally presented by Awadhesh Pratap Singh .

Search and Research – weekly show showcasing bright spots and innovations in the world of science and technology in the United States and how they are changing lives. Segments are recorded in the field by a group of young, tech-savvy contributors with diverse backgrounds in science and technology.

Billi Bite – A weekly public show hosted by Shruti at the concerned location in Lucknow . With different issues the show delves in humorous style into the big issues facing Indian society.

The Live Stream – a discussion programme focused on social media, daily from Monday to Thursday. Hosted by Arisha , usually with one guest in the studio and a couple on Skype. An issue, itself often viewer-generated, is discussed by the team and viewers can contribute with comments on Twitter or Facebook, with some occasionally invited to join in on Skype.

DON ke Mehman – Extended studio interviews with people of influence from different walk of society like Film celebrity, Sports celebrity, Scientists, Shef and medicine practitioners
around the nation hosted by Prithviraj Chauhan.

Virasat – The weekly documentary-slot for films by the best of the regional independent film-makers. The strand aims to shine a light on the events and people long-forgotten by the global media and on those that never merited a mention in the first place.

*Sister Associates : Tatkaal Bharat (Daily), Tatkaal Bharat ( Weekly)

TATKAAL BHARAT is an Indian Hindi language weekly newspaper accredited from Ministry of information and Broadcasting, Govt of India with title code UPHIN39524 published from lucknow. It was founded on 11 June 2010 in lucknow India by a philanthropist Mr Ashok Kumar Sinha.

Tatkaal Bharat is a major Indian weekly newspaper with a nationwide circulation. In India, it is among the leading Hindi weekly for Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh.

The present Editor of Tatkaal Bharat is Dr Mohd Meraj Ahmad, popularly known as Abraham Mierage in media world. He was appointed on 27 March 2021, He is NET JRF and the doctorate in the subject of journalism and mass communication.

Dr Ahmad’s journey to journalism was started in between graduation and it is still continued he has more than 10 years of experience in both the formats electronics and print media. Presently he is an anchor cum correspondent and script /screen play writer cum voice over artist at DD national Network and All India Radio FM services as well along with visiting professor in several media institutes.

Dr Mohd Meraj Ahmad succeeded Mr Ashok Kumar Sinha, who was appointed editor-in-chief of the Tatkaal Bharat Group of newspapers on 11 June 2009, serving until 26 March 2021.

The Code of Practice


The mission of The Destiny of Nation Media Network is to contribute to a healthy society by fostering, supporting, and incubating a sustainable and vibrant free press. We believe the only sustainable free press is an ethical free press.

The DON Media Network have three core principles that are fundamental to the ethical practice of Journalism :

Reporting the TRUTH
Serving the COMMUNITY

These three principles form the basis of a more detailed code of practice for anyone seeking to create ethical, principled journalism, regardless of their background, employment status, or means of delivery.

This code is equally relevant for professional journalists and for those outside the profession who are seeking to report honestly and fairly on the events and issues relevant to their community.

The first section of this code spells out each of the standards. The second section explains the practical steps you should take at every stage of the work you do as a journalist to ensure that you abide by these standards.

THE ETHICAL STANDARDS OF The Destiny of Nation Media Network.

Accuracy :

Accuracy, moreso than exclusivity or timeliness, is the overriding value of journalism. Ensure that all the facts in your work are accurate. Do not omit facts that are material to an understanding of what you are reporting on. Context is often critical to accurate reporting. Ensure that adequate context is provided. Clearly distinguish between fact and assertion or opinion.

Independence :

Independence from state control, business interests, market forces, or any other vested interest or outside pressure is a hallmark of dispassionate, critical, and reliable journalism. It bolsters legitimacy and credibility in the eyes of the public. Make your own editorial judgments based only on careful consideration of all the facts.
Do not allow yourself to be influenced by political, sectional, or commercial interests. Declare and manage any conflicts of interest, including gifts, funding, advertising relationships, and free or discounted travel or services.

Impartiality :

Impartiality means not being prejudiced towards or against any particular ideology, idea, or preconception. Impartiality requires fairness and balance that follows the weight of evidence: it allows the journalist to make sense of events through dispassionate analysis of all relevant facts and perspectives. Treat all facts the same, making editorial judgments and delivering analysis based only on the weight of evidence.Do not allow your own views, preferences, biases, or prejudgements to affect your work. Set them aside.Do not simply recite lists of facts or engage in false balance: weigh the evidence and reflect that weight of evidence in your work. Aim to include an appropriate diversity of views, and accord those views the space warranted by their prominence and significance.

Integrity :

Integrity in journalism ensures that people and organizations uphold the values of journalism, always strive to do the right thing in all situations, even to their personal or organizational detriment, and put their obligations to the public first. Treat those you deal with in your work with respect and courtesy.
Always identify yourself as a journalist, unless withholding disclosure is essential to uncovering the truth in a matter of public importance.
As far as possible, look for opportunities to “show your workings,” sharing with the public the underlying information you have gathered. The use of any form of secret information gathering (hidden cameras, secret recording devices, etc…) may be justifiable if it is essential to uncovering the truth in a matter of public importance. Provide anyone accused of misbehavior a reasonable opportunity to respond. Attribute information to its source unless that source needs to be protected to ensure the truth can be uncovered in a matter of public importance. Where a source needs anonymity, provide it.
Do not plagiarize.

Harm Minimization :

The DON Media Network Journalists must always remember that they are dealing with human lives. The potential for public good must sufficiently outweigh the potential for harm that may come from the activity of Journalism. Be mindful that your work may contain content that causes harm. Carefully consider how you proceed to ensure that undue harm is not caused. Avoid the gratuitous use of offensive, confronting, or harm-inducing sounds, imagery, or words. Respect people’s reasonable rights to privacy unless they are outweighed by the need to report on a matter of public importance. Show sensitivity when dealing with children, victims of crime, or people who are especially vulnerable due, for example, to trauma, injury, illness, or other factors.

Engagement :

Engagement with the public ensures that journalism remains open, accessible, collaborative, and participatory while keeping the journalist accountable to the highest standards of accuracy, independence, impartiality, and integrity.
Your decisions on what work to do should be based on what is relevant and newsworthy to the community you serve.
Establish and maintain open communications with the community.
Seek input and ideas from the community before, during, and after completing your work.

Accountability :

Accountability is essential to the ethical practice of journalism and the maintenance of the public trust. Being accountable for news-gathering practices and reporting means making firm commitments and taking responsibility for your journalism and the journalism of your peers. Seek and carefully consider the feedback you receive from the community about your work. Respond constructively to any complaints, particularly those related to matters raised in relation to these standards. Where errors or potentially incomplete or misleading information is found, corrections or clarifications should be made promptly, prominently, and transparently.Where no errors or incomplete or misleading information is found, your work should not be altered or removed in any material way in response to pressure from outside interests.



Mr Prithviraj Chauhan ( Chairman)

Mr Manoj Kumar Singh

Mr Rajesh Pratap Singh

Mr Sanjay Gupta

Mr SB Singh

Mr Surendra Pratap Singh

Mr Virendra Pratap Singh

Mr Bhagwan Bakhsh Singh ( Special Invitee)

Padmshri Dr Vidya Bindu Singh ( Special Invitee )